AGE OF CANNIBALS, Germany, 2014

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Directed by Johannes Naber

Starring: Sebastian Blomber, Devid Striesow, Katharina Schüttler


Age of Cannibals (Original title: Zeit der Kannibalen) movie Review

"Zeit der Kannibalen" (Time of the Cannibals) is a German film that takes us behind the scenes of a unique and ruthless profession: corporate consulting. The story follows two main characters, Öllers and Niederländer, who work as consultants helping big companies make more money. Sounds good, right? Well, it's not that simple.

This job is not for free as is evident in the film. Öllers and Niederländer are jetsetters who help companies all over the world to reduce their costs; to downsize and to improve their profits. However, as they rise in the corporate hierarchy, they lose their moral bearings. They must make tough decisions in moral dilemmas and really fight to balance their ambition with the moral code.

In fact, the acting in the movie, performed among other by Sebastian Blomberg and DevidStriesow, is of great quality. Their inner turmoil is so real that you feel like being involved.

The narration of this story is enthralling and thoughtful. You’ll be plunged into the realities of the business world and see the sacrifices people make for success. It is not a feel-good story, but rather a powerful one.

The movie “Zeit der Kannibalen” portrays the dark side of big business. It is a story of ambition, moral dilemmas, and the cost of success. If you’ve ever wanted a look into the corridors of power in the corporate world, this film offers some intriguing – if slightly unsettling – insights.


Criticism about Acting and Story Realization/Implementation


In "Zeit der Kannibalen" (Time of the Cannibals), the acting is a bright star in the dark sky. These two actors, Öllers and Niederländer represented by Sebastian Blomberg and DevidStriesow, really deserve a standing ovation. Their performances are so real that they make you feel like you are watching a movie.

Through every struggle and flaw, Sebastian Blomberg presents Öllers alive. You can sense the conflict inside him and the consequences of his actions. Equally impressive is DevidStriesow. With such finesse, Fitzgerald’s Fitzgerald’s characterization of Gatsby is so profound that the reader can’t help but be entangled in Gatsby’s journey between ambition and morality.

The chemistry between these two actors is incredible. In every scene, one can sense the tension, camaraderie, and competition between Öllers and Niederländer. It’s like watching a game of chess; each move and expression has multiple meanings underlying the surface.

In addition, the supporting cast also deserves recognition. Every single actor contributes to the realism of the film, which makes you believe that the world portrayed there is real.


Story Realization/Implementation:

The story in “Zeit der Kannibalen” unravels like a beautifully put together puzzle. It is not just a story about corporate consulting; it is a story about human nature and our choices in life.

The movie doesn't rush things. This is the slow process with which it teaches you about the harsh corporate world and its impact on Öllers and Niederländer. The storytelling is so seamless; you do not feel the ticking of time.

A big thumbs-up is due here to the director, Johannes Naber, for his vision. It is a dark and biting satire of the corporate world, and his narrative choices are perfect. Every aspect, from the settings to camera angles, has a bearing on the picture.

It is not spoon-fed. It is an intrinsic incentive that lets you connect the dots and draw your own conclusions. It is a thought-provoking journey that tugs on one’s emotions and intellect, leaving a lingering impression.

To put it simply, the film ‘Zeit der Kannibalen’ is not only an example of excellent acting, but also a fantastically told story that rolls out smoothly. This is a movie that makes you think, feel and reflect long after the credits. If you’re a fan of great performances and a well-told story, this movie will not disappoint.



The film “Zeit der Kannibalen” (Time of the Cannibals) would merit 4.5 out of 5 stars if we had to put a score. The intensity of this film does not let go of your attention. It is a captivating story that makes you think even after the end of credits.

Why not a perfect 5? However, it is not a feel-good movie. It leads you through the jungle of the corporate consultancy where every coffee break offers a new moral dilemma. Its message is important but there’s no rainbow and butterfly. It’s a hard road, and it has many things that you would rather not answer.

However, I hope it doesn’t turn you off. This film is a must see because of its excellent acting, way of unfolding the story and the director’s vision. It’s like a rollercoaster for the emotions and the brain.


Educational Value:

“Zeit der Kannibalen” isn’t just fun and games, it’s a classroom of hard knocks. This movie gives you a backstage pass to observe how big corporations operate and what people in suits do behind closed doors.

You will witness the implications of putting profit before people. It’s like a warning signal along the highway, cautioning us against moral hazards that come with success.

Learning-wise this film is a mine of gold. It is about ethics of doing business, corporate culture and the choices we make in our careers. It’s a waking shot for anyone contemplating to be engulfed in high-pressure jobs.

The different portions of the corporate world are portrayed as mirrors in the characters of the movie. They’re like case studies; showing us what’s wrong, what works, and what stinks at work.


Memorable Scene: The Elevator Confrontation

One standout moment in "Zeit der Kannibalen" occurs in an elevator. Öllers and Niederländer find themselves in a tight space, mirroring the ethical pressure they face. The silence speaks volumes as their expressions reveal inner turmoil and the consequences of their choices. This scene is a powerful reminder of life's moral dilemmas, leaving a lasting impact with its subtlety and depth.

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