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Directed by Uwe Boll

Starring: Dominic Purcell, Edward Furlong, Erin Karpluk


Assault on Wall Street Movie Review



Assault on Wall Street is a thrilling movie that introduces us to Jim Baxford, a security guard played by Dominic Purcell. Jim is just a regular guy living an ordinary life in New York. Yet, the economic crisis of 2008 leaves his life in shambles. He loses his job, home, and all savings.

The film shows the aftermath of the financial crisis, Jim being its victim. He becomes increasingly frustrated and angry as he can barely make ends meet and his wife is in dire need of medical attention. With his world falling apart, Jim decides to administer his own justice. He feels that the rich people and institutions on Wall Street are to blame for his misery, and hence deserve to be held accountable.

Jim embarks on a journey of revenge, aiming to make those he holds responsible pay for their pain through their family. He turns into a vigilante and begins to hunt for the people he holds responsible for the collapse.

“Assault on Wall Street” is a story about a desperate man, who is fighting for justice in a world, which has betrayed him. The movie plunges into the abyss of despair and unveils how far one person is willing to go for the sake of revenge. The film deals with the issues of unequal economic distribution, financial crises, and their influence on an individual, as well as the moral ambiguity of vigilantism.

Although the film has some acting inconsistencies and narrative problems, it creates an atmospheric tense and emotional charge, making it a thought-provoking film for those interested in stories of personal struggle and social justice.


Criticism about Acting and Story Realization/Implementation


The acting in “Assault on Wall Street” is functional but not memorable. This anger and pain is effectively displayed by Dominic Purcel who plays the lead character of Jim Baxford. Nevertheless, the performances of the entire cast are shallow and two-dimensional. The emotional range for the characters is a little limited, and this, consequently, makes it difficult to fully identify with their experiences.

Story Realization/Implementation:

The idea of the movie is quite promising, yet, its execution lacks in some important respects. The plot often feels crude and simplistic, losing a chance for more profound examination. At times, the film becomes predictable and melodramatic, and this may interfere with the viewers’ enjoyment.

The central theme of the movie is Jim’s search for justice that he experiences after the life unravelling caused by the crisis in financial.Yet, the storytelling sometimes does not go deeper and reveal the real underlying motive. The movie relies on stereotypes by depicting characters and situations in black-and-white without exploring the complexities of the issues it addresses.

Moreover, there are viewers who consider that scenes are unevenly paced, with some appearing to run too fast, and others too long. The narrative could be more balanced and nuanced, resulting in a more interesting exploration of the central themes and deeper character development.

In conclusion, “Assault on Wall Street” promises to be interesting but ultimately fails to develop its idea to the fullest. The weaknesses are manifested both in the acting and storytelling. The movie has some moments of glory, but a more delicate handling of their performances would add depth, nuance, and complexity to the characters and their motives, making the film even better.



I would give “Assault on Wall Street” only 2 stars out of 5. So, the movie is just in some way mediocre between the top and the bottom.

It is interesting to watch a movie that explores the aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis on an ordinary individual’s life. But it is far from realizing its potential to the full. The film has a few intense moments and Dominic Purcell gives a convincing performance of these moments. However, the overall acting and story fail to make a striking impression.

However, the tale sometimes gets oversimplified, missing a chance to explore the intricacies of the drives and the intriguing problems it raises. However, the pace of the movie may feel uneven to some viewers with some moments feeling rushed and others dragging that may affect viewing of the movie.


Educational Value:

"Assault on Wall Street" doesn't offer substantial educational value. The movie primarily focuses on a revenge-driven plot, with the central theme being the pursuit of justice in the aftermath of a financial crisis. While it does shed light on the consequences of such crises for individuals and families, it does so in a dramatic and often exaggerated manner.

The movie does not take a holistic or instructional examination of the crisis, its roots, or its social impact. Instead, the crisis becomes the backdrop to the story of revenge. Therefore, viewers interested in detail concerning the financial crises and their economic impact could be dissatisfied.

The movie, however, raises wider issues surrounding economic inequality, the rightness of vigilantism, and the plight of the poor during great wealth. Although these themes were not examined in great depth, they could provide a basis for discussions on this crucial societal matter. However, “Assault on Wall Street” is a piece of fiction and should not be used as a factual or educational guide for what a financial crisis is and what happens because of it.


Recommend this movie to others?

To be honest, I would not highly recommend “Assault on Wall Street” to others. This movie is not perfect, it has some weak points which might not make it to most people.

This movie might be interesting if you are into revenge drama where characters take matters into their own hands to deliver justice. Dominic Purcell’s depiction of the main character, Jim Baxford, is quite believable and there are a few dramatic moments here and then that may grab your attention.

However, we must acknowledge the movie’s weaknesses. Although the acting is sufficient to keep the story moving, it does not delve deep enough into characters’ personal experiences for such individuals to feel emotionally involved. This can limit one’s ability to emotionally attach to the story and its end.

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